
Showing posts from January, 2022

Elements of Art Photo Project

Texture: this is a picture I took at the school big tree, it shows how rough the tree is. Line:  This picture was taken in school and I thought it was a good picture for line. Tone:  used my water bottle to show tone because it has reflections of the light which is changing the color of the surface. Color: I used this sunset picture for color to show the beauty of the sunset. Form: I took this picture of my cat for form, I thought it was a good idea because it takes a lot of space. shape: I took this photo behind my window, it shows the diamond shapes. Space: I took this photo on top of a balkony after my class. As you can see there is many space behind or around it.

Rule of Thirds Project

 Seiyul Hong I took this photo of a badminton Shuttlecock on my sofa For this photo, I took a picture of these bananas my mom bought For this photo, I took a picture of my scissors on top of my table Breaking the Rules of Thrids To break the rule of thirds, I took a picture of my room light on the ceiling

Types of Photography Project

 Seiyul Hong Reflection Photography I took this photo while I was swimming at Anaks with my friends   Underwater Photography I took this photo while I was diving with my friends at Lao Lao Beach. Bird Photography I took this photo while on a walk around Bird Island Night Photography  I took this photo after I finished math class  Landscape Photography I took this photo while I was eating lunch at school

Meet My Friend! Photo Challenge No.3

Seiyul Hong "Meet My Friend! Photo Challenge No.3" For this photo challenge, I took a picture of my cat named Dami. She is 1 and a half years old


 My hero is my mother. Growing up she was always working hard working till late at night, I know she was working hard for me. Even though she wasn't at home with me she was always with me when I needed her and reached out for help. Without her, I wouldn't be living this happily only focussing on school. She will forever be my hero.


Ansel Adams is the photographer  I seem to connect with the mos t. He is known for his realist style. Rather than using a “pictorialist” style to create an artistic image, his work portrays the wonders of national parks as they appear. I like that he takes pictures realistic photos of the landscape. I like to take pictures of landscapes in Saipan since it is a beautiful place. When I was looking at his photography I felt that in every photo the black and white shows how deep and magnificent, the black and white makes the shadows look sharper which helps to see how remarkable the landscapes are.  Examples of  Ansel Adams  photography style: my photography

My morning view

  MY MORNING VIEW Every morning my cat wakes me up by meowing and doesn't stop until I give her food I make me and my cats' food and bring it to the balcony  Then we just chill and eat our food until I have to get ready to go to school


THESE PICTURES ARE JAPANESE RELICS DISPLAYED IN FRONT OF THE BUNKER THIS IS THE BUNKER WHERE JAPANESE USED AS THE LAST COMMAND POST  After intense combat, the 4th Marine Division seized this bunker on July 9th, 1944, which was the last command post of the Japanese forces on Saipan. A direct hit from a shell fired by a US battleship caused the massive hole.  The Imperial Japanese ordered the construction of an airfield on Marpi Point in March 1944. During the fight, work on the runway continued to allow for the planned airlift of Japanese reinforcements to Saipan; however, this plan was abandoned when it became clear that the US naval and air force would make it impossible. The 24th Marines seized Marpi Point and the airfield on July 9, 1944, while the 25th Marines secured the island's northeast end. On the 9th of July, at 16:15, Saipan was declared secure. The first American planes to land at Marpi Point Field were from VMO-2. Marpi Point Field was taken over by the US Navy.

Seiyul Hong

Introduction       Hi, my name is Seiyul Hong. I am a sophomore who has recently transfered into Marianas High school from Saipan International School. I chose this online course because when I was in middle school I took a photography class where I learned many things, this is why I am looking forward to take this class and to earn more knowledge of photography. In my free time I love to play tennis, play piano and flute. Some things I like also include cats, eating, and binge watching on netflix.  After graduating I am planning to go to a college in Korea for about two years and transfer to the States. I want to become a psychiatric nurse. I hope everyone can enjoy their highschool life and be safe!!!              myblog