Final Photo Critique


What did you take away from this online course? 

From this online course, I have taken away so much new and fascinating information. First of all, I learned information about photography. I have learned about the different kinds of photography styles there are and also learned how to take them. Secondly, I have learned about the history of photography, it was fascinating to learn how photography was created and what types of photography skills were used as time passed. Lastly, I learned so much about how technology impacts on our life. I now see all the people and the beautiful island that surrounds me now that I have learned to put my device now. I now look at my surroundings to find what I love. After learning and realizing how many social media took a big part of my life in this course I have been aware of how much time I spend on social media and technology. Now I try to stay off my devices as long as possible and try to communicate with my friends. As a photographer, this course has impacted me to look at all of my surroundings as a type of art. I believe as a person this course impacted me to live more freely, get off of my devices, and spend time with my families and friends. overall this course was very precious and I have earned so many things from this course.

10 Best images and critiques

This image is from the photo project Beauty of the Marianas. I chose this photo as my #1 best image because I like how the sky looks and how my cat also looks amazing.
This image is from the type of Photography Project(reflection). I consider this as my #2 best image. I love how the reflection reflects the beautiful colors of sunset and the silhouette of the trees. 

This is from my Night Photography. I chose this as my #3 best image because I love how the moon brightens the whole sky even though it was dark
I chose this as my #4 best image because since this was my first photo project it really means a lot also from this project I have learned about the pain of the war so I really liked this image. 
This image is an edited version of the Digital Darkroom Photo Project. I chose this as my #5 best image because one, I really liked this photo, and two, I really like how it came out after I edited it.
This is my#6 best image from wild life photo project. I chose this image because after this project I have noticed that I am interested in taking wildlife photos and I enjoy them the most when taking them.
I chose this as my #7 best image because when I look at this image I can feel the emotion that I was feeling at the time that this was taken. I was really happy and I love this image because I can see happiness through it
This is my #8 best image, I chose this because I love how the clouds look.

For #9 best image I chose this picture. I chose this because when I see this image I feel a weird emotion of loneliness and I like how I can see emotions through pictures.
last but not least for the 10th image I chose this image from the ICONIC PHOTOGRAPHER PHOTO PROJECT. I chose this image because I love how the black and white shows the lines of the cloud.



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