Photo Challenge #6- Possessions Photo Project

 Photo Challenge #6- Possessions Photo Project

For this project, I chose 8 items which are my flute, glasses, laptop, headphone, sketchbook, signed album, family photo, and phone

These are the reasons why I chose these items:

1. FLUTE, This flute has lots of memories with me, this is also one of my hobbies that helps me to be free and not use technology.

2. GLASSES, Glasses are a part of my face now, without these I would not be able to see things clearly.

3. LAPTOP, Even though I like using my phone I prefer my laptop better, I like watching movies and videos so for me I really like spending my time on this device.

4. HEADPHONE, one of my favorite hobbies is listening to music, I would rather die without being able to listen to music so I think this is the most important item to me.

5. SKETCHBOOK: this sketchbook is also one of my hobbies that helps me keep away from technology, this is also one of my favorite hobbies too, this is because when I am drawing I can be creative and can draw anything without restrictions.

6. SIGNED ALBUM: this is an album called "Love Poem" by "IU" she is my favorite singer and has helped me through hard times, although I didn't meet her I am just thankful for her that she signed my book.

7. FAMILY PHOTO, this photo was taken on my birthday (not sure when), in this photo I am with my uncle who has now passed, I keep this photo to remember him

8. PHONE, I am really addicted to my phone and it is really fun to watch it, but not only for this reason it has lots of photos on this phone so if there was a fire in my house it would be the first thing I would grab.


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